
Free Men’s Olympic Football Prediction Template for Paris 2024

The Paris Olympics are taking place next month, and one of the more popular tournaments is likely to be the men’s football competition, which will include 2022 World Cup finalists France and Argentina. I have created a template in Google Sheets which will help track the tournament and allow you to make predictions with others.

Tracking matches in the template

On the main page of the template, there is a tab for Actuals where you can enter the actual results as they occur. And based on those results, the tables will automatically populate, to determine which teams will play one another in the knockout stages.

Men's 2024 olympic football match schedule.

You can also highlight countries you want to track by specify the name of country under the watchlist section below. There is also a space to adjust the time based on your time zone. In the example below, the match times are adjusted based on GMT-4. I have also chosen to highlight all the matches where either France or Argentina play.

Men's 2024 olympic football match schedule adjusted to GMT-4 settings.

Making predictions in the template

In addition to tracking the matches and results, you can also make predictions with your friends. There are five predictions tabs in the file. The tabs are the same as the actual tab. The one difference is that there is column for prediction points earned. The prediction results will compare to the actuals to determine if a result was correct and if so, the number of points that someone should have earned from that prediction.

You can adjust the points someone will earn by making changes to the scoring rules tab. Here are the default rules that are in the sheet:

Scoring rules for the Men's 2024 olympic football match template.

Points can be earned for determining the correct number of goals, the right result, score, and even if the teams were correctly predicted to be in the correct elimination stage.

To track how all the players are doing, update the scoring results tab with the name of the players — this should match the individual tabs. If you rename Player1, Player2, etc, then be sure to adjust the names on the scoring results tab. If you need more players, you can copy one of the existing player tabs.

Player standings in the prediction tab.

Try the template!

This template is available for free and you can access it by clicking on this link. It will create a copy of the file which you can then use.

If you like this free template for the Men’s Olympic Football Tournament for Paris 2024, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow me on Twitter and YouTube. Also, please consider buying me a coffee if you find my website helpful and would like to support it.


Free UEFA Euro 2024 Prediction Template and Schedule

The UEFA Euro 2024 tournament is beginning in June 2024. And whether you want to track the games, make predictions, or just print out a schedule that highlights the games you want to track, this template has you covered. Below, I’ll go over how the template works, how to use it, and where you can download it.

Tracking the games in your time zone

The template has a schedule of all the games in the tournament. And you can adjust the schedule by entering your time zone adjustment (e.g. for -4 GMT you would enter -4 whereas if you are +10 then you would enter just a positive 10). Based on that, the column for your local time will update to show what time the game is in your part of the world.

Euro 2024 match schedule showing games in a user's time zone.

You can also track the teams you want to keep an eye on by entering them in the Watchlist area. In the following example, I’ve flagged matches involving England and Spain:

Euro 2024 match schedule showing highlighted games.

Entering scores and updating the results

You can also enter the scores as the games, and that will update the standings and determine the round of 16 and other elimination games. In the elimination games, if the score is tied, you can enter in extra time scores and penalties.

While there are tiebreakers setup in the template which should handle the vast majority of scenarios, there are also sections where you can override the standings for both the individual tables and for the third-place rankings. If you’re applying overrides, you’ll need to fill in the entire group standings, such as below:

Applying overrides for the table standings.

In the override column, I’ve specified the position for each team, and the table for the group also reflects that.

Printing out a schedule tracking multiple teams

On the Printout tab, there is a schedule that you can print out on a single page. This too, will automatically adjust based on the GMT value you entered on the Actuals tab. You can specify whether you want the time to show in AM/PM format or as a 24-hour clock. And here too, you can have a watchlist to help highlight teams you want to track.

Printing out a schedule to track individual teams.

Entering and tracking predictions

This template has, by default, five tabs created for predictions: Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4, and Player5. In each of these tabs, you can enter your predictions by entering your expected results. There is an extra column for Prediction Points Earned which will tell you how many points you earned for that particular prediction.

Predictions tab by player.

This is based on the scoring rules you specify on the Scoring.rules tab.

To compare how you have performed against other people, go to the Scoring.Results tab. Here, you’ll just need to update the list of players. Instead of Player1, Player2, etc., you can change this to represent actual names. You can also add more players/predictions by simply creating a copy of the player tabs.

Prediction results summary.

Note: you will see a #REF! error on the results tab if you have changed the tab name but you have not changed the list of player names on the Scoring.Results tab.

Download the template

The template is available to download here. There is also a Google Sheets version which works the same way, which is available here.

If you have any feedback, suggestions, or come across any issues, please let me know.

If you like this Free UEFA Euro 2024 Prediction Template and Schedule, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow me on Twitter and YouTube. Also, please consider buying me a coffee if you find my website helpful and would like to support it.


2024 Stock Trading Template

Do you buy stocks? Help track your transactions and your returns with this stock trading template. This is an update over the previous stock trading template, offering more reports and analysis, and the ability to more easily track your portfolio’s performance. In this post, I’ll go over how the template works, and how to use it.

Using the stock trading template for the first time

When you first use the 2024 stock trading template, there are a few items you may wish to modify on the Settings tab. These are the end date (by default set to today) and the short-term trading days cutoff. The end date is used because the reporting tab looks at the trailing 12 months. So if you want a cutoff as of Dec. 31, 2023 and see the full year, you can modify the cutoff there. But if you want to look at your returns up until today, you can leave that as is, up to today’s date.

The short-term trading days cutoff is used for a report which pulls your gains and losses over this number of days. If you’re a very active trader, you my want to lessen this interval to 30 days or less. If, however, you don’t trade that often, you may prefer a longer cutoff. The default is set to 60.

Enter transactions in the file

To make the data-entry process simple, there is a userform which will allow you to enter your buy and sell transactions. You can also enter starting balances and dividend payments. You can access the form from the Trading Journal section on the Home tab, right within the Excel ribbon.

The trading journal buttons for the stock trading template.

By clicking the Enter Transaction button, you will see the following form pop up:

The userform to enter transactions in the stock trading template.

To start, you can use the Date Picker button to select the transaction date. With the date picker, you can use the button on the left and right side to move one month at a time. You can also select the month from the drop-down list. You can change the year by just typing in the year of the transaction. Once you have the right date and month, use the tab key so that the calendar updates. Then, click on the date the transaction relates to.

The date picker userform in the stock trading template.

Next, select the action type. This will determine which fields you need to enter. There are multiple options to choose from.

Selecting a transaction type for the stock trading template.
  • If you are buying a new stock you don’t already own, select Open New Position.
  • If you already own a stock and are adding more shares, select Add to Existing Position.
  • If you are selling shares of a stock you own, select Sell Shares.
  • If you are adding cash to your portfolio, select Enter Contribution.
  • If you are withdrawing cash from your portfolio, select Enter Withdrawal.
  • If you are recording dividend payments, please select Enter Dividends.
  • If you are already own stocks and need to enter in your initial positions, select Starting Balance. For starting cash positions, use the Enter Contribution option.

You will then see a different form based on your selection, showing you which fields you need to enter.

Using different investing strategies

By default, there are three investing strategies you can select from when buying a stock: Buy and Hold, Contrarian, and Speculative. This can be helpful if you want to track how your different strategies work. If you don’t use different strategies, you can just leave everything as Buy and Hold. If, however, you want to add or modify strategies, click on the Update Strategies button when entering a new position:

Selecting a strategy on the stock trading template.

That will then populate a new userform where you can manage the different strategies.

Modifying strategies on the stock trading template.

How the template tracks transactions

When you enter a transaction, it goes into two places. One is the Activity tab, and this acts as a log for everything you’ve entered. There is also the Transactions tab, which is designed for traders to track their opened and closed positions.

The data also flows through to the Summary tab, where you will be able to see your running portfolio balance, track gains and losses, and also see reports highlighting your overall trading performance. To make sure that all the charts update correctly, click on the Refresh button from the Trading Journal section on the Home tab.

Chart showing portfolio balance by month.

Download the template

Want to try out the template? You can download the trial version here. It is limited to 25 transactions. If you like it, please consider purchasing the full version.

If you run into any issues with the template or have feedback or suggestions for improvements, please feel free to contact me. Please include the name of the template when drafting your message.

If you like the 2024 Stock Trading Template, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow us on Twitter and YouTube.


Free Credit Card Payment Calculator

Staying on top of your credit cards is an important goal when trying to get from out of debt. A credit card payment calculator is a valuable tool that can help you do just that, helping you to become debt-free sooner. The credit card payment calculator template I’ll go over in this post is free and user-friendly as well, designed to be simple to use, even for novice Excel users.

How to use the credit card payment calculator

The credit card payment calculator template in Excel is designed to provide a clear picture of your credit card debt and help you with developing a strategy to pay it off. All the fields in yellow require user input:

Credit card payment calculator template.

For the monthly payment, you need to enter at least a minimum balance. This is if you plan to pay the same amount every month. You can also specify a percentage of the balance you want to pay down each month. However, if you enter a percentage, you’ll also want to enter a minimum. Otherwise, your balance will never end up going to zero.

What’s new in this template compared to the previous version of the calculator are a couple of things. The first is the ability to add an extra payment:

Adding an extra payment to the credit card payment calculator.

As with the yellow input fields, you can enter any one-off payments in the extra payment field. This will get applied directly to your balance and reduce your principal. It will also update the rest of your payment schedule.

Another new feature of this template is the ability to enter a goal for when you want to pay the credit card off by:

Entering a value for when you want to pay off your credit card debt by.

In the above example, I have entered a date of Jan. 1, 2025. And based on my starting dating of Oct. 1, 2023, it calculates that I will need to make a monthly payment of at least $344.55 to have the credit card balance paid off by that date. Now, if I go back and enter this as my minimum payment, this is what the calculator looks like:

Credit card payment calculator schedule after changing the minimum payment.

There’s only a minimal balance remaining by the end of Dec. 2024 based on the new minimum payment but it is effectively paid off by that point.

Why managing your credit card balances is important

One of the pillars of personal finance is understanding and managing debt effectively. Credit cards, while useful, can become a financial problem when not handled effectively. This calculator highlights how much in total interest you will pay based on your payment schedule, to help show just how much the debt is costing you. And the greater the debt and the higher the rate of interest, the more costly it will be.

For instance, consider a credit card balance of $20,000 with an annual interest rate of 15%. With a monthly payment of $300, it would take approximately 12 years to pay off the debt, accruing more than $23,300 in interest — that’s more than the initial balance. If you increased the payment by just $50, that would mean paying off the credit card in about 8.4 years and the interest costs would drop to $15,330. And if you paid $400 per month, you would pay off the card in less than seven years, while incurring interest costs of $11,600. You can do all these calculations right within this calculator. You can see that even with a $50 increase you can drastically speed up your repayment schedule.

Credit card debt can be a significant hurdle when aspiring to larger financial goals like purchasing a home. Lenders scrutinize your debt-to-income ratio, and a high ratio could result in unfavorable loan terms or even disqualification. By using the credit card payment calculator to expedite your debt payoff, you enhance your credit profile, bringing you a step closer to home ownership and other financial goals.

Tailoring your payoff strategy

The what-if scenario feature can be especially useful, allowing you to determine a strategy that aligns with your financial objectives so that you know how much you need to pay every month. Whether you aim to be debt-free before a significant life event or simply wish to reduce the interest burden, this calculator lays the groundwork for a well-informed plan.

The credit card payment calculator template is more than just a tool—it’s a catalyst for proactive debt management. It nudges you to think beyond the minimum payment, encouraging a more aggressive approach towards debt elimination. By visualizing the impact of your payment strategy, you are better positioned to make choices that propel you towards financial freedom faster.

You can download the credit card payment calculator template here.

If you like this Free Credit Card Payment Calculator template, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow me on Twitter and YouTube. Also, please consider buying me a coffee if you find my website helpful and would like to support it.


Free Math Worksheet and Template for Elementary School

If you have young kids who could use some math practice, I’ve got you covered. What’s great about Excel is that by using the random number generator, you can create an infinite number of worksheets for use over and over again. I’ve created a worksheet that includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and other types of math work.

How the template works

Unlike other templates, you don’t need to enter any data for this one to work. It comes ready to go.
It’s simply a matter of removing or hiding whatever you don’t need. The template has 22 pages in total. There are pages that are for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, patterns, rounding, greater than and equal comparisons, and ordering number in ascending and descending order.

If you view the workbook in Page Break Preview (this option is available from the View tab), this can help you decide where you want to hide/delete unneeded columns:

Math worksheet showing multiple pages.

For many of the values, they use the RANDBETWEEN function. If you’re comfortable with modifying the formulas, feel free to do so.

A formula using the RANDBETWEEN function.

In the example above, the formula finds a random number between 100 and 999. You could modify this to 1000 and 9999 if you wanted questions that are in the thousands.

The last two pages in this spreadsheet I’ve decided to covering a bit of everything. This can be helpful if you just want to print out a single double-sided page that can go over everything rather than printing out multiple pages.

Math worksheets that cover many different types of questions.

Creating an endless number of worksheets!

What makes this template useful is that by simply triggering a recalculation, all the random numbers will change. So if you don’t like the numbers on a certain page, you can easily generate another set of numbers within a second. The easiest way to trigger a recalculation is to just select an empty cell on the sheet and press the delete key. Just make sure you’ve selected a cell that doesn’t contain a formula otherwise deleting it will remove it. If there’s nothing there, nothing gets deleted but the spreadsheet will recalculate.

Download the file

If you’d like to use the file, you can download it here. It’s completely free to use. I will add to it in the future and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to send them my way.

If you liked this Free Math Worksheet and Template for Elementary School, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow me on Twitter and YouTube. Also, please consider buying me a coffee if you find my website helpful and would like to support it.


Bank Reconciliation Template 2024: Use Auto-Matching Rules to Speed Up Your Recs!

Introducing the Ultimate Bank Reconciliation Excel Template – your time-saving companion for hassle-free financial management!

Are you tired of spending hours manually matching transactions and dealing with duplicates during your bank reconciliations? Look no further! This downloadable Excel file is here to revolutionize the way you handle your finances. Packed with powerful features and user-friendly functionalities, this template will streamline your reconciliation process like never before.

Key features

Automated Transaction Matching: Say goodbye to tedious manual matching. This Excel template is equipped with an intelligent algorithm that automatically matches transactions, making your reconciliation process a breeze. Experience unmatched efficiency as the template swiftly identifies and pairs up corresponding transactions, freeing up your valuable time.

Effortless Manual Matching: Whatever the template doesn’t end up matching, you can do so manually using the Reconciler. It’s a much easier process than the manual approach as once you select a transaction, it will find related transactions that you can match the transaction to. Simply review the related items displayed, and with a few clicks, you’ll have your transactions matched accurately and swiftly.

Using the bank reconciliation template to easily match transactions.

Duplicate Detection: This template also checks for duplicates and will be careful not to match any items where there is a duplicate entry. You can still match these transactions manually using the Reconciler, but you won’t have to worry about the template automatically matching items where there are duplicates. This helps ensure accuracy and integrity when doing the automatic matching.

Flexible Matching Rules: Take full control of your reconciliation process with customizable matching rules. The Excel template empowers you to create rules to automatically match transactions on a 1-to-1 basis, 1-to-many, or even many-to-many, tailored to your unique needs.

Matching rules in the bank reconciliation template.

By creating these rules, you can specify how a transaction should be classified.

In the above example, if a description contains CK#, then it will belong to the ‘Checks’ category. For the key, which is used to help match a transaction, it will take the next 4 numbers. So if you have CK#1234, then 1234 would be the key. For a transaction to automatically match, it will need to be part of the same category, have the the same key, and amount. In the case of 1-to-1 matches, it will only need to find another transaction that matches this criteria. The one exception is if there is a duplicate; in that case, the transactions won’t automatically match. The auto-match is designed to minimize false matches.

For the Wire Transfer example above, it will simply use the date as the key. Since it’s a 1-to-1 match, it will look for another Wire Transfer on the same date with the same amount.

The deposit example shown above is slightly different in that it relies on the date but it is a 1-to-Many match type. However, this can also work as a many-to-many matching type as well. That’s because it will look for all of the deposits on that date, across the book, bank, and previous outstanding items. Only if the total of all the deposits on that date are a match will the auto-match rules kick in and say that everything is a match. You might use this type of matching if you have multiple deposits on the GL side that total just a single deposit amount on the bank side, or vice versa.

Easy Overrides. If you need to force a match, you can do so by entering any value in the ‘Manual Override’ column. This will clear the O/S status and indicates that the transaction has been matched. In the example below, just entering an ‘X’ is enough to mark off a transaction as being reconciled:

Overriding a transaction on the bank reconciliation template.

Quickly Generate Reports and Start a New Month: With just a click of a button, this Excel template generates a comprehensive report summarizing outstanding items. Gain valuable insights into your financial status and easily identify discrepancies that require attention. Stay on top of your bank reconciliations with accurate, up-to-date information at your fingertips. Clicking on the Reconcile Month button will summarize your outstanding items. You can also clear all the data with the Clear Data button. Click the New Month button when you’re done reconciling and want to close out the month. It will transfer all your current outstanding items to the previous outstanding items tab.

Buttons on the bank reconciliation file.

Try the bank reconciliation template for yourself!

Whether you’re a small business owner, a financial professional, or an individual managing personal finances, this Bank Reconciliation template is your go-to solution. Experience unparalleled ease, accuracy, and efficiency in your reconciliation process. Save time, reduce errors, and take control of your financial management like never before.

Best of all, you can try it out for free to see how you like it. Download the trial version here. If you decide you want to buy the full version without restrictions and full VBA code available, click on the following button:

If you like this Bank Reconciliation template, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow me on Twitter and YouTube. Also, please consider buying me a coffee if you find my website helpful and would like to support it.


Get Trending Stocks Into Excel Using Power Query

In the fast-paced world of investing, identifying trending stocks in Excel can provide a valuable edge for investors seeking profitable opportunities. Fortunately, with the power of Excel’s Power Query and the ability to connect to a website’s API, accessing real-time data and uncovering trending stocks has become more accessible than ever. In this article, I will go through the process of using Power Query to connect to a website’s API and importing in trending stock information.

Why should investors try to identify trending stocks?

As an investor, it is crucial to identify trending and popular stocks for several reasons:

  1. Profit Potential: Trending and popular stocks often have significant profit potential. When a stock is gaining popularity, it usually attracts more investors, leading to increased demand and potentially driving up the stock price. By identifying these stocks early, you can position yourself to benefit from the price appreciation and generate higher returns on your investment.
  2. Liquidity: Popular stocks tend to have higher liquidity, meaning there is a larger pool of buyers and sellers in the market. This liquidity allows you to enter and exit positions more easily, ensuring that you can buy or sell shares without significantly impacting the stock’s price. Investing in liquid stocks provides flexibility and reduces the risk of being unable to execute trades at desired prices.
  3. Market Validation: The popularity of a stock often reflects positive market sentiment and investor confidence. When a company is trending and gaining attention, it may indicate that the market believes in its growth prospects and overall performance. By identifying such stocks, you can align your investment choices with market sentiment and increase the likelihood of investing in companies with strong fundamentals and future growth potential.
  4. Information Availability: Popular stocks generally attract more media coverage, research reports, and analyst attention. This increased coverage provides you with a wealth of information and analysis to make more informed investment decisions. You can leverage these resources to understand the company’s financial health, competitive position, industry trends, and other relevant factors that can impact the stock’s performance.

How to get trending stocks in Excel

To get trending stock data into Excel, you should start with finding a good source that you can rely on for trending data. For this example, I’m going to use, which provides free access to its API using the following url: Here’s how I’m going to use that to pull in trending data:

Extract the data using Power Query. To get started, I’ll select the Data tab in Excel and click on the From Web option.

    Select the From Web option in Get & Transform Data to set up Power Query so that it connects to a certain web page.

    Next, there will be a field to enter the URL, this is where I will paste the link that the API references:

    Entering a URL in the From Web field for creating a Power Query connection.

    After clicking OK, Power Query will launch. When the screen opens up, the following table appears. I click on List to open up another table.

    Power Query results stored in a list.

    After clicking that, there’s another list of records.

    A list of records in Power Query.

    Here, I’ll select the option to convert to table and leave the default settings and click OK. Then, there is another list of records. Clicking on the button with the arrows going in opposite directions will expand them:

    Expanding a list of records in Power Query.

    After expanding out those records, the table will now looks like a list of stocks and metrics relating to mentions, upvotes, and overall rank popularity:

    Power Query table showing a stock's populating by mentions and upvotes.

    Now that this has been setup, I will convert this into a Power Query function. To do that, I’ll click on the Advanced Editor button:

    Selecting the advanced editor option in Power Query.

    In the editor, I will add a line at the top to specify the name of the function. And at the bottom, I will add a line to circle back to it. Lastly, I’ll add a variable for the URL as well, and put that where the link used to be:

    Power Query code for a custom function.

    Next, with the custom function created, I’m going to go back into Excel and create a list of all the URLs I want to use this function on. In this situation, I’m going to adjust the page number at the end of the URL so that I have pages 1 through 5:

    A table of URLs.

    I’ll load this table, called URLtable, into Power Query using the From Table/Range button when selecting data. Next, I’ll select the Add Column tab and select Invoke Custom Function:

    Selecting the option to Invoke a Custom Function.

    Then, I reference the query as well as the URL variable that is to be used:

    Selecting which custom function to invoke.

    Then, there will be a field with the results, in table format. Again, this needs to be expanded out:

    A list of results in Power Query after invoking the custom function.

    That will leave a list of stocks starting from page 1 all the way through page 5. You can remove the URL field, which is no longer needed:

    A Power Query table showing the list of popular stocks.

    If you don’t want to follow through all those steps yourself, you can download the template I’ve created here.

    If you liked this post on Get Trending Stocks Into Excel Using Power Query, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow me on Twitter and YouTube. Also, please consider buying me a coffee if you find my website helpful and would like to support it.


    Free Project Tracker Template in Excel

    If you do work on a lot of different projects, this is a template that can make your life a lot easier. It’s one that I use regularly that helps me accurately track my time. It will allow you to set up a list of different projects, and just by using a couple of buttons, you can specify when you started and stopped working on them. Whether you want to ensure you’re billing your time effectively or you just want to better manage your time and review your productivity, this template will help you do that.

    How the template works

    This template has two tabs: Summary and Data. You’ll first need to add your projects in the Summary tab. This will populate your drop-down list for the project field when entering data. Once you’ve updated the project list, you can go to the Data tab and start entering in data.

    Entering data in the project tracker template.

    You select the project, and for the details, enter a description for your task. Then, click on the green Start button. That will create a timestamp. I suggest saving the file at this point just to make sure that in the event Excel or your computer crashes, you don’t lose the timestamp. And then, when you’re done working on the task, click on the red End button. That will create another timestamp, and then it will add it to the table below. Since the file uses timestamps, you don’t need to keep it open as you work on your task.

    Project tracker template showing entries of tasks that have been done.

    As you add entries, this table will expand. You will have the details by day, summarized by week, and it will also show you the hours spent on the task. On the Summary tab, you’ll have a pivot table that when you refresh it, will give you a summary of the time you spent both by project and by week:

    Pivot table showing time spent by project per week.

    Download the file

    The project tracker template is completely free to use. Feel free to contact me if you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback on the file.

    If you liked this Project Tracker Template, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow us on Twitter and YouTube.


    Mortgage Payment Calculator Template

    Are you planning to buy a home? With this mortgage payment calculator template, you can do different what-if scenarios to see what your monthly payment will be. You can adjust interest rates, home prices, and downpayment amounts. The template will do a sensitivity analysis for you based on those variables.

    How the mortgage payment calculator template works

    There are eight cells that are highlighted in yellow on the template. These are all the values that you can change.

    Inputs for the mortgage payment calcultor

    You can specify the house price you want to start from, and the increments you want to jump by. The same fields exist for interest rate. You can also specify the term of the mortgage and your downpayment amount. There’s a space for rental income as well, in the event you plan to rent out part of your home. And lastly, there’s a monthly budget. By entering in this, the template will calculate what your maximum house price will be. This shows up in the cell that is highlighted in grey.

    Once the inputs are filled in, you’ll see a range of values below. This shows you the different monthly payments at different house prices and interest rates. The beginning interest rate which you entered shows up in the middle. That way, you can see what the impact will be if interest rates are both higher or lower. If you want to see larger jumps in the house prices or interest rates, simply adjust those variables.

    Conditional formatting is also used here to show you where the lowest values are (green) versus the higher ones (red).

    Schedule of monthly mortgage payments with conditional formatting applied to show high versus low values.

    Downloading the template

    This template is entirely free to use. You can download it from here.

    You may also be interested in the web-based mortgage payment calculator that’s available on this site. That too, will show you what your monthly mortgage payment will be as interest rates change.

    If you liked this Mortgage Payment Calculator Template, please give this site a like on Facebook and also be sure to check out some of the many templates that we have available for download. You can also follow us on Twitter and YouTube.


    Free Stock Trading and Tracking Template in Excel

    ***UPDATE: There is a newer version of this template available here****

    For a limited time, I have a free stock trading template that is available for you to download in Excel. If you buy and sell stocks often, this is a template that will help you easily enter in your trades and track your performance.

    How to use the template

    There are three main buttons on this template that you will need to use, all of which are located within the ribbon, under the Trading Journal group:

    Ribbon buttons on the stock trading template.

    The Enter Transaction button will allow you to post and trades you make. Clicking on it will show the following pop up:

    Dialog box allowing a user to enter a transaction.

    At the very top there is a Date Picker button which will allow you to select the date of the transaction, rather than manually entering it. Here is an overview of the other fields;

    • Ticker: this is simply the name of the stock you are buying.
    • Action: indicate whether you are buying, selling, or adding to an existing position.
    • Strategy: select your strategy for this transaction. If you want to add or remove available strategies, click on the Update Strategies button.
    • Shares this is the number of shares you are buying or selling.
    • Price: this is the price per share for the transaction.
    • Fees: the amount of any fees you have incurred on the transaction.

    Once all this is entered, click on the button to Post Transaction and the details of the transaction will be posted to the Log sheet and an entry will be opened up on the Transactions tab. The Transactions tab will show you a summary of your positions, including any profits and losses, and whether they are open or closed.

    There is a Settings tab where you can manually adjust strategies. You can also specify different holding categories should you want to track that (e.g. what constitutes a short, medium, or long holding period).

    Once you’ve entered some transactions, you can head over to the Summary tab which will give you a visual breakdown of your investments. To be sure the data is updated correctly, click on the Refresh button in the ribbon button (not the default refresh option in Excel).

    Stock template showing a summary of performance.

    You can use slicers in the report to filter by different dates, strategies, and holding periods.

    You can download the Stock Trading Template here.

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